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Item #: CWB12981
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Brigadier-General Mosby Monroe Parsons was born in Virginia in 
1819.  Early in life he removed to Cole county, Mo., where he 
studied law and began its practice.  From 1853 to 1857 he was 
attorney-general of Missouri and subsequently was honored by 
his constituents with a seat in the State senate.

When war was declared against Mexico, he became a captain in 
the army of the United States and served with considerable 
reputation.  He was in the invading force that entered 
California, and received honorable mention for services at 

After the close of the war he returned to his home and resumed 
his practice.  When the war between the Northern and Southern 
States of the great Republic commenced, his whole sympathy was 
with the South.

In company with Gov. Claiborne F. Jackson he tried to ally 
Missouri with the Confederate States.  He was exceedingly 
active in organizing the State militia and succeeded in raising 
a mounted brigade, which he commended with signal ability at 
Carthage and at Springfield.

He continued to serve in Missouri during 1861, some of the time 
having a separate command, but generally serving under Price.  
He rendered important service at the battle of Pea Ridge 
(Elkhorn), his brigade doing some of the hardest fighting of 
that well-fought field.  He served all through 1862 and 1863 in 
the Arkansas campaigns, being commissioned a brigadier-general 
in the Confederate service on the 5th of November, 1862.

When Banks began his Red river campaign in 1864, Parsons was 
sent to reinforce the army under Dick Taylor.  He reached 
Mansfield just at the close of that brilliant victory and on 
the next day commanded the division of Missouri infantry at the 
battle of Pleasant Hill, April 9th, losing 33 killed and 288 

Upon the retreat of Banks, Gen. Kirby Smith detached Parson's 
command with other troops and marched against Steele in 
Arkansas.  He encountered that general at Marks' Mill and again 
at Jenkins' Ferry, forcing him to beat a retreat back to Little 
Rock.  In this double campaign, in which the Confederates 
recovered large parts of Louisiana and Arkansas, Parsons' 
command added new fame to that already acquired.

Parsons was with General Price in his last great march through 
Arkansas and Missouri and shared in all the marches, hardships 
and battles of that trying campaign.

At the close of the war General Parsons went to Mexico and 
joined the republican forces in their war against Maximilian.  
He was killed in an engagement with the imperial forces at 
Camargo, Mexico, on the 17th of August, 1865.
Shipping Weight: 0.6 lb
Item # CWB12981
 $200.00 USD