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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I have placed an order and I would like to check on the status of the order. Do I check through CivilWarBadges.com?

A. No. We only maintain current status, that is, information about your order as it progress to the check-out page. The only information permanently maintained is your name and the history of your orders. To check information about your order, make changes to that particular order, confirm shipping dates, or to inquire about other merchandise-related questions, please contact sales@CivilWarBadges.com.

Q. What if I need to return an item?

A. Items may be returned if there is a misrepresentation of the item or description (i.e. the item is misidentified or is not in the condition as advertised), or if the item is received in damaged condition. If you need to return an item, contact CivilWarBadges.com at 770-926-1132 or sales@CivilWarBadges.com immediately upon receipt of the misrepresented or damaged item.

Q. I forgot my password. How can I retrieve it?

A. Click on "Customer Services" and click "Get Password". We will e-mail your password to your registered address.

Q. How do I change my password or my name?

A. To update your password, or any other user information, click on "Customer Services". Enter your User ID name and password, then click the "Update Account" link. Go to the bottom of this page and follow the prompts in the "Change Password" box. You can also name at this site, but remember, changing your name will result in you not being able to retrieve any previous order histories.

Q. Why do I have to use a credit card?

A. CivilWarBadges.com authorizes these credit cards � MasterCard and Visa. Credit cards have proven to be the most convenient method of payment. If you do not use or have credit cards please contact us 770-926-1132 or sales@CivilWarBadges.com for a payment option. For more information see our Privacy Policy and Statement and How To Order.

Q. What about shipping charges? Can I have items shipped overseas?

A. Shipping charges, along with insurance and handling, are totaled in the purchase price of every order. Shipping charges are calculated on U.S. shipping only. If you need an item shipped out of the country you should contact us at 770-926-1132 or sales@CivilWarBadges.com directly.

Q. I keep reading about "cookies." What is this and does CivilWarBadges.com use them?

A. Cookies are small files of information that are transferred from a web site to your individual computer or to the web site you are visiting. CivilWarBadges.com uses cookies to track statistical data and order information and to provide you with a personalized interaction each time you visit our site. See our Privacy Policy and Statement for more about cookies.

Q. In reading information about your site (as well as others) I keep seeing the abbreviation URL. What does this mean? Also, what do you mean by a Link?

A. URL is short for Uniform Resource Locator. This can be thought of as the address of the web page. URL addresses usually begin with "http://" If you are searching for a particular web site you simply type the URL in the "location" or "address" box near the top of your browser page and press "Enter." A Link is a very simple and fast way to move you from one web page to another. Links are provided by the web page and you can locate it by looking for words that are colored and underlined. Sometimes graphics are links themselves. All you have to do is click on the word or graphic and you are automatically moved to the new page.

Q. What is a browser and which browser program should I use to view the directories for CivilWarBadges.com?

A. A browser is simply a software program provided by your Internet service which allows you to travel, or navigate, through the web. Our directories can best be viewed with the recommended Microsoft Internet Explorer (Version 4.0 or later) or Netscape Navigator (Version 4.0 or later). You can view the site with any browser that supports tables.