Overall Length: 1,019.5 ft. (310.74 m.) Overall Length: 1,019.5 ft. (310.74 m.) Gross Tonnage: 81,237 gross tons (230,039 cu. m.) Constructed by: John Brown & Co., LTD., Clydebank, Scotland Commissioned by: Cunard Steamship Co., LTD. Keel Laid: December 1, 1930 Date Launched: September 26, 1934 Maiden Voyage: May 27, 1936 War Service: March 1940 - September 1946 War History: Carried a total of 765,429 military personnel. Sailed a total of 569,429 miles (916,407 km). Carried up to 15,000 troops at one time. Carried wounded returning to the United States. Transported Winston Churchill three times to conferences. Carried 12,886 G.I. brides and children. Resumed Peacetime Passenger Service: July 31, 1947 Retired from Regular Passenger Service: September 19, 1967 (after completing 1,001 crossings of the Atlantic) Departed on "Last Great Cruise": 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, October 31, 1967 Arrived in Long Beach, California: 10:00 a.m. Saturday, December 9, 1967 Change of Ownership: Removed from British registry and officially turned over ownership to the City of Long Beach at 10:00 a.m., Monday, December 11, 1967